
M.Sc. Hendrik Kramer

Academic Staff
M.Sc. Hendrik Kramer
Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universitätsstraße 12
45141 Essen
R11 T09 C20
+49 201 18-33994
+49 201 18-32703
Consultation Hour:
by arrangement

Curriculum Vitae

since 01/2020  University Duisburg Essen
Academic Staff at the Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics

09/2019 - 12/2019  50 Hertz Transmission GmbH
Internship in the department Concepts and System Strategies, Medium-Term Planning

10/2016 - 09/2018  Technische Universität Berlin
Master studies in Industrial Engineering, focus on electrical engineering,
Major on Electrical engineering,
Degree: Master of Science

03/2016 - 09/2016  DB Energie GmbH
Internship in the Energy Trading and Risk Management Department

10/2013 - 09/2016  Technische Universität Dresden
Bachelor studies in Industrial Engineering,
Major on Transport Engineering,
Degree: Bachelor of Science

Fields of Research

  • Regionalization of renewable energy sources for enegy system modeling
    (particulary assignment of national installed capacities and production amounts on local scale to allow calculation of grid utilization rates)
  • Markets and their efficiency for ancillary system services
  • Market designs with regional price components to support local flexibility options



  • SysZellIntegrative approaches for the provision of system services in cellular systems (EWL)
  • MOPPL – Model coupling for integrated optimization of long-term transformation pathways - coevolution, coordination and robustness considering different system levels. (EWL)


  • ZellNetz2050 – Simulation of cellular energy grid strucutures for cross-sectoral energy exchange, particularily electricity, heat, gas and mobility (IEEE, VDE)
  • SDL Zukunft – Project of the BMWK to dermine the future demand and procurement of ancillary system services (BMWK)
  • Nemo VIII – Report to validate the network extension plan 2021 proposed by the transmission system operators (BNetzA)
  • Osmose – Optimal system-mix of flexibility solutions for European electricity, H2020 EU Research Project (Projekt)


  • Boehnke, Florian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: The Value of Decentral Flexibility in Nodal Market Design – a Case Study for Europe 2030, SSRN Working Paper, 2024. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4875899)
  • Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data. In: Applied Energy, Vol 2024 (2024) No 361. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.122890
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Khalid, Abuzar; Flatter, Felix; Rasti, Sasan; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Weber, Christoph: Modeling of large decentral multi-energy systems – An application to flexible heat pumps in a decarbonized scenario, TechRxiv, 2024. doi:10.36227/techrxiv.170861965.51606148/v1)
  • Rasti, Sasan Jacob; Kramer, Hendrik; Flatter, Felix; Schegner, Peter; Weber, Christoph; Goetz, Stefan: Generic Technology Models To Simulate Flexible Operation In Multi-Energy Cellular Energy Systems. In: 27th Internat. Conf. on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) (2023). doi:10.1049/icp.2023.1138Details
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Flatter, Felix; Kramer, Hendrik; Khalid, Abuzar; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Rasti, Sasan Jacob; Trossen, Christian; Mohammadi, Sara; Mayorga Gonzalez, Daniel; Spanel, Udo; Wellssow, Wolfram; Weber, Christoph; Zdrallek, Markus; Schegner, Peter; Kubis, Andreas: 'ZellNetz2050' – A Concept for the Efficient and Effective Operation of Multi-Sector Web-of-Cells Energy Systems. In: CIGRE Session 2022 (2021).
  • Gaete-Morales, Carlos; Kramer, Hendrik; Schill, Wolf-Peter; Zerrahn, Alexander: An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data, emobpy. In: Scientific Data, Vol 2021 (2021) No 8. doi:10.1038/s41597-021-00932-9


  • Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: On assessing the value of decentral flexibility given different flexibility deployment and TSO-DSO coordination, Enerday 2023, 05.05.2023, Dresden.
  • Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data, Enerday, 05.05.2023, Dresden. Details
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Ergebnisvorstellung BMWK-Forschungsprojekt „ZellNetz 2050“, VDE ETG Sitzung, 16.03.2023, Frankfurt am Main. Details
  • Kramer, Hendrik; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the value of distributed demand side management technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing regional differences in view of locational pricing mechanisms, 17th IAEE Europen Energy Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens. Details


Electricity, District Heating, Renewable Energy (Winter term, Master)
Exercises: Electrical load flow modeling, peak load pricing, combined heat and power production

Tutored Theses

  • Optimierung der Vermarktungsentscheidung von Aggregatoren batterieelektrischer Fahrzeuge unter Unsicherheit (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, in progress)
  • Capacity Management in Multi-Tenant Data Centers: A Statistical Approach to dynamic Tenant Utilization (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, in progress)
  • Wasserstoffwirtschaft im Markthochlauf: Evaluierung von Wasserstoff-Pilotprojekten in Deutschland (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, in progress)
  • Der Nutzen von Batteriespeichern: Ein multi-kriterieller Vergleich ausgewählter europäischer Länder (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, in progress)
  • Regionalisierung von Elektrolysekapazitäten unter Berücksichtigung der Residuallast - Modellentwicklung und -anwendung (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Modellierung von Windenergie Einspeisezeitreihen mit Reanalysedaten - Gegenüberstellung von COSMO-REA6 und ERA5 Winddaten (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Zukünftige Bedarfsdeckung von Momentanreserve: Modellentwicklung und -anwendung (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2023)
  • Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur Priorisierung von Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen im elektrischen Energiesystem (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Bereitstellung von Trägheit der lokalen Netzstabilität im zukünftigen elektrischen Energiesystem (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Analyse von systemförderlichen Photovoltaik-Speicher-Fahrweisen von Prosumern im Energiesystem (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2022)
  • Die Wirtschaftlichkeit von PV-Batteriesystemen bei aktuellen Strompreisen und zeitvariablen Tarifen (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2022)
  • Modellierung von Onshore-Windenergie-Einspeisezeitreihen mittels globaler meteorologischer Reanalysedaten (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2022)
  • Einbeziehung von HGÜ-Leitungen und (n-1)-Sicherheit in optimale Leistungsflussberechnung (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2022)
  • Assessment of Demand Side Flexibility Products for prosumers in a European Context (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2021)
  • Analyse von Privatfahrzeug-Mobilitätsverhalten und Eignung dessen zur Erhöhung des Photovoltaik-Eigenstromverbrauchs (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)